Sure, little bumblebees buzzing around in cartoons are cute and adorable, but in real life? Not so much. When you go outdoors for fun and recreation only to be swarmed by bees, it’s enough to send you back inside. If you’re having problems with bees, it’s time to call a Maricopa pest control specialist.

A beehive near your home can potentially put your family in danger – not to mention that being stung is no fun!

In recent years, there have been more and more problems in Arizona cropping up with Africanized bees invading homes, trees, roofs, bushes and cacti. If you’ve every heard the term “killer bees” and thought it was something made up for the movies, it isn’t. Killer bees are actually Africanized honey bees, but this isn’t to say that if you have a hive of them near your home, your family is at risk of certain death. However, they can viciously attack members of your family who may stray into their territory by accident.

In Maricopa homes, bees are a pest that you really don’t want to mess with yourself. While the sting is much like that of a regular bee you’d see in the garden, the real difference is that Africanized honey bees are much more prone to pursue their victim and attack in greater numbers, because they are easily agitated. Because they are prone to attach those who intrude on their territory up to a quarter of a mile away, having a hive or hives in your yard is just not safe.

It’s summer time in Arizona, the prime season for bee attacks. Africanized honey bee colonies have continued to increase, which means a bigger risk of being stung. Of course, not all bees are aggressive, and most will leave you alone if you leave them alone – but they’re a huge nuisance when you’re trying to enjoy the outdoors.

Why take chances? You know that attempting to remove a beehive is dangerous, but you can’t put up with bees swarming your family and ruining your outdoor fun. Recognized as one of Arizona’s best exterminating companies by Ranking Arizona for 2011 and 2012, Pest’R Us can eliminate the problem, once and for all. After all, we really do take care of “beesness” for Maricopa homeowners – and we’ll take care of yours.

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