Fire ants, red or black, carpenter, harvester or pharaoh; no matter what kind of ants you have in your pants (or crawling over your feet), you want them gone! Of course they’re not actually in your pants, but when you see hundreds or thousands of the little critters marching across your yard or kitchen counters, it can give you that itchy, creepy feeling. Some species sting, and it can be painful. When ants are eating you out of house and home, you need a reputable Chandler Arizona pest control expert you can count on.
Arizona has more problems with ants than any other state in the U.S., mostly due to climate conditions and landscape. While you may not know much about them other than they’re pests and can overtake your lawn or kitchen, some are highly aggressive. Fire and harvester ants sting, which can be a problem if you’re allergic.
Even worse, some ants are a threat to the structure of your home, and you may not even realize they’re there. Carpenter ants enjoy nesting in the structure of your home and eating your food, so they really make themselves at home. There are products you can buy at the supermarket or big box stores that may kill those you can see, but it’s those you don’t see that can really cause the problem – and if you don’t eliminate the nest, you can bet they’re not gone and will reappear on your kitchen counter in a day or two.
Did you know that certain types of ants can destroy fabrics and linens? Pharaoh ants are extremely destructive, reproduce quickly and love those pies, cookies or fruit you leave out on the counter top.
Enough with the species analysis – to the homeowner, an ant is an ant, right? And you want them gone yesterday. While ants may be itty-bitty in size, they’re some of the toughest little pests to eliminate. The only way you can truly be rid of the unwanted guests for good is to hire a qualified Chandler pest control service who is reputable and experienced.
Sure, you can try the do-it-yourself approach, but after all of the effort, expense and patience required you’ll probably wish you had just saved yourself the trouble and let a pro handle the job. At Pest’R Us, we have 18 years of experience under our belt and an A+ rating with the BBB. Contact us today, and let us take care of those pesky little ants.