Crickets chirping in the outdoors on a beautiful evening can be music to your ears, but when they’re in your home, not so much! In fact, crickets in your Maricopa home can drive you downright crazy. Seems like when it’s indoors, the sound is incessant and nerve-wracking, doesn’t it? Not to worry – there are a few things you can do to keep the musical little creatures outdoors, where they belong.

Did you know that many people in China keep crickets as pets? Sounds crazy, but it’s true. However, most people don’t want bugs of any type, no matter how beautiful their music is, inside their homes. If this is you, here are a few tips to send those “song bugs” packing:

Seal up entranceways. Even the smallest crack or hole allows crickets to enter your home. Make sure that openings and cracks are sealed, particularly those that are near ground level and provide easy access. Crickets come inside for food, to explore, or because the temperature is more comfortable. Don’t make it easy for them!

Know where they hide. Most crickets like damp, dark basements, crawl spaces and attics. Try to locate nesting sites and eliminate them with a pesticide designed for use with ants. In addition, eliminate their favorite hideouts both inside and outside, which can include stacked wood, piles of rock and even around the perimeter of your foundation.

Make sure no food is left out. Since crickets often look for food indoors, it’s important to keep the kitchen clean. Don’t leave dirty dishes setting on the countertops, and put foods including leftovers in the refrigerator.

Hire a professional pest exterminator. While you can attempt to get rid of crickets yourself, there’s no guarantee it will work – or that you can find their nesting sites. The best bet when you want to eliminate crickets for good is to hire a professional pest control company to do the job.

At Pest’R Us, we know that crickets aren’t music to everyone’s ears! We know where they hide, and provide an application that will shut down their musical symphony for good. If you’re looking for a Maricopa, Arizona pest control company you can trust to do the job, give us a call. As an A+ rated BBB member, we offer solutions that are safe for children and pets, but deadly to pests!

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