How to get Rid of Scorpions During Monsoon Season
“The larger pests will try to get into the homes,” said Eric Papadeas, owner of Pest’R Us Exterminating in Tempe. “The smaller ones will try to stay outside.”
Not very comforting is it! With the Moonsoon season bugs are out more than ever, especially Scorpions!
Scorpions will be most active before sunrise as they try to hunt crickets, and the summer heat may drive them indoors, he said.
Papadeas told ABC15, a combination of the current barometric pressure and the rain and humidity have stirred up the creepy crawlers. He said calls to his company have increased following this week’s severe storms.
Papadeas said you can attempt to exterminate the insects yourself, but they’re often hidden, so calling a professional is recommended!