From the hot summer days to the chilly evenings of Arizona, creepy critters such as cockroaches head inside.
Did you know that there are at least 20 different species of cockroaches in Arizona? But don’t worry there are probably about 10 that are native and rarely encountered in the urban environment.
However, one cockroach is too much to tolerate!
Here are 5 tips to help get rid of cockroaches
1. Obviously don’t feed the roaches!
What we mean by this is to keep crumbs and food particles cleaned up, sweep routinely after cooking, and never abandon food on counter tops. You must maintain a high level of cleanliness to eliminate the roach problem
2. Close up the cracks.
Roaches can find there way in through the smallest opening. Seal gaps around pipes flexible caulk, as well as patch any cracks and crevices you find around the house.
Roaches also love water and it’s not uncommon to see them sneaking up the drains in the bathroom. Keep drains closed and water wiped up.
3. You can’t kill what you can’t find – How to find cockroaches.
Most cockroaches are nocturnal and appear during daylight only when disturbed or where there is a heavy infestation. You can find them in warm areas of your home, in cracks around, under or inside cupboards and cabinets; where pipes or electrical wiring pass along or through a wall; behind window or door frames, loose baseboards or molding strips; under tables and chairs; in upholstered furniture; in bathrooms; in radio and TV cabinets; and in motor compartments of refrigerators, washing machines and other appliances.
It is important to know where cockroaches are hiding in your home because these are the locations that must be cleaned.
4. Products that might help.
- Adhesive-based traps
- Poisonous roach baits
- Natural cockroach bait. Mix three parts boric acid with one part powdered sugar. The sugar lures the roaches, while the boric acid kills them. Although the boric acid isn’t toxic to people or pets, it can be irritating so keep it away from counters and places where little fingers and noses can reach.
If you are killing the roaches yourself be sure and read the directions on the products that you apply, as they may be harmful to pets and children.
5. Bring in the experts.
Be sure the pest-control company that you use is licensed in the state of Arizona!